Palace of Prince Mohamed Ali Tewfik

On Sunday, after a traditional breakfast of taameya and fuul, we walked down Sharia Al Manial to the Prince Mohamed Ali/Manial Palace and Museum, just a 1.5 km walk from Moshi’s house.  We walked along Sharia Al Manial, the main arterial street for the island of Roda. It runs mostly N-S and  curves on the east … Read more

Saqqara, Part 1: Djoser, Maya & Horemheb

On Saturday we visited Saqqara, my favorite cemetery in Cairo. For more than 8000 years, people have been burying their deceased loved ones along the west bank of the Nile opposite what is today the Cairo megalopolis. Archeologists have identified more than 30 miles of cemeteries stretching from Abu Rawash on the north to Medium … Read more

Denver to Cairo

Apologies for the long delay in sharing our adventures in Egypt and England last April/May. My excuse is plunging into creation of our brand new library district (approved by voters last November, hurrah!) immediately upon my return. Setting up a new local government entity turns out to be an all consuming enterprise. With a bit … Read more

Great Head Walk and Bar Harbor Sunsets

We decided to spend our last day taking two gentle walks followed by a lazy evening. Matt wanted to see the Wild Gardens of Acadia, so we first took the #10 bus to Sieur de Monts, then hopped the #3 bus to Sand Beach for a walk on the Great Head. After wandering through the … Read more