Avignon Redux

After all that time in the car on Monday, we decided to spend Tuesday afoot, doing a more leisurely exploration of Avignon. We started at Les Halles, Avignon’s food market.

There was a rummage sale underway in the square next door.

And then we wandered, through narrow streets.

Shopping districts.

Past ornamental architecture.

Found a wandering Tarascon.

Had crepes near the  Square Agricol Perdiguier (located near the Tourist I).

(I confess to being confused by the red telephone booth:  had we been transported across the Channel? Matt suggested it was just the TARDIS on one of its stops).

We stopped by the local train station to change tickets for a train to Paris that was actually expected to to run. A tramway is being built just outside the city walls – they were working right opposite the train station on this date.

Outside the city walls, we made our way across the Rhone to Barthelasse Island and walked along the river park, with its fabulous views of the city. Such a peaceful spot after all the bustle inside the walls.

Here’s a brief video clip taken from the Barthelasse shore.

We hopped the free ferry for a ride back across the Rhone.

Climbed up on the City walls

And wandered back past the cathedral, papal palace and palace square. Pope Joni was in residence.

Paid our respects to the carousel and the music grinder cat.

Came home to chiming church bells.

And had a fabulous dinner at Fou de Fafa, just ten minutes walk from the flat.

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