Last Day in Whitby

After two days of marathon walks, we made Friday an easy day plotzing ‘round Whitby. Here’s a tour of the town.

Whitby library what was. In Bram Stoker’s time, the second floor (1st floor in British parlance) was the public library, right above the public pool (and next door to brothel row – now arcade row).

Whitby library what is.  The charm is all inside.

Rail station flower box
Only moderately crowded today.
Smoking kippers (herring)
House built by a Dutch architect who hoped to create a new architectural rage – unsuccessfully.  He hanged himself and now hangs around as a ghost.
Perhaps he will wreak vengeance on the workers who recently pried out two of the ammonites embedded in hothead house’s pebble dashing.
Saturday morning sunrise.

And so we are off for a long day of train to train to train to bus, for Seahouses in Northumberland.

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