Wildflowers in Boulder are extraordinary this year

I just had to share some pix 🙂

The Mesa Trail

(OK, so some of the flowers are four footed.)

The West South Boulder Creek Trail.

There are two agave (aka Century Plants) blooming at CUs east campus botany greenhouse. These plants bloom once after about n30 years of growth then – kaput!

And just for fun, here’s this year’s garden. Between torrential rains, hail and searing mid-day heat, I decided tor provide some shade to my tomatoes and eggplants (all planted in pots on the patio.) After adding some deck covers, we have lovely outdoor sitting spaces.

That’s all folks. (I’ll get back to the Egypt/England blog some day – the library district is keeping me very busy.)

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8 thoughts on “Wildflowers in Boulder are extraordinary this year”

  1. Joni, are you still doing stuff in Egypt? I’ve been in Florida (2013-2019) then MN (2019- present) with my son, and next year he and wife and I will be expats in Egypt again! I am today driving MN to CA, and on the way back (after CA, trip to Mexico), I’ll be stopping in Longmont to see a friend, around end of August. Will you be in (Boulder, I believe?) then?

    • Hi, Mary –

      I still have friends in Egypt that I visit, but not working on anything. How great that you are ex-pating back. I assume you still have the flat? I will be in Boulder in late August and would love to see you! I don’t know if I have your current email, so I’ll pm Amina on Facebook Messenger with my email and phone. Travel safely!

  2. Love the Boulder flowers. I do miss Boulder, but am enjoying Vista weather and year round flowers. Your pups are looking good, too!


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