Burford & Fulbrook

Monday morning we left the flat at Cove Cannon Street and schlepped our bags on the Tube (Piccadilly line, changing at Earl’s Court) to Heathrow to pick up our rental car. (Only mad dogs and Englishmen drive in central London.)  Our destination was Fulbrook, a tiny village just outside Burford in the Cotswolds. The Cotswolds … Read more

Richmond Park and Ham House

On Sunday we escaped the madding crowds in central London with a trip to a Richmond Park, a royal park in suburban London that we’d never visited.  We took the Tube to Putney Bridge, then caught a bus to the park, a journey of about 1.5 hours.  Our bus ride took us from the working … Read more

Coronation Weekend in London

We arrived in London late Thursday evening and spent the night at the Premier Inn, Heathrow Terminal 4.  We’ve stayed there previously when needing a quick overnight near Heathrow and I highly recommend it. The hotel is very quiet, with comfortable rooms and a decent restaurant, all at very reasonable prices. And you can’t beat … Read more

Brexit Explained

I have been puzzled by Brexit.  Some of our British friends are pro-Brexit, others are anti-Brexit.  All of them are sensible people –  so what gives?  We were very glad to find a book at the British Library bookstore that made everything clear. If any  friends would like to borrow this book, we are happy … Read more

Inns of Court & The City

Sorry for the delay in completing my trip report. I returned home on May 23rd to a bad cold, much kerfuffle in library-land and the loss of our dear beloved Folly-dog.  I’ve wished myself back on the beach in Broad Haven many times. We decided to spend our last day in London doing guided rambles … Read more