Gamboling Round the Guitings

Monday’s ramble round the Guitings* (Power, Temple & Woods) brought lots of variety – along with the usual mud and sheep.
*What’s in a name? “Guiting comes from the Saxon getinge meaning rushing which presumably refers to the Windrush, then a considerable river.”

First through Guiting Woods, now owned by a property magnate who’s restoring the estate and bringing back “shoots.” Hundreds and hundreds of pheasants clonking in the trees, soon to be “sport” as live clay pigeons. Had a lovely chat with the estate gamekeeper, who helped us navigate out of the woods when we couldn’t find ourselves on the rambling route map.

Temple Guiting dates back to the 12th century, with Knights Templar origins. There are still some original medieval bits in the lovely village parish church of St. Mary.

The route from Temple Guiting to Guiting Power ran along a country lane through Kineton – probably a pleasant walk back in the days before autos, not so pleasant with speeding traffic going both ways in space barely big enough for two cars to pass (let alone pedestrians hugging the verge).

Once off the A-road, we Way’ed through woods, over stiles, past gardens and Guiting Power’s “local.”




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