Friday morning we left tranquil Wales for frenetic London.

Matt arrived in London earlier than us and met us at Paddington for the cross-town trip to our flat in Lambeth, near Vauxhall station.

After dumping bags, we jumped on the number 88 bus for the busy tourist’s 2 hour double decker bus tour of London – one last hurrah before Crystal journeyed home.

After seeing Crystal on the train to Heathrow bright and early Saturday morning :>( , Matt and I spent the day wandering London.

We began at the Regency Cafe, London’s best – and extremely popular – greasy spoon. Just looking at those breakfasts can clog the arteries.

Following breakfast, we waddled our way to Victoria Station for a tube ride to the British Library.

The exterior of the British Library (despised by many) is impossible to photograph, crammed in as it is among its historic and modern neighbors.

We made our way from the studious solemnity of the library to the sheer madness of Camden Market. PLAN Boulder would not approve.

Walking along the canal to Regent’s Park restored our equilibrium.

Late lunch on the patio at the Regent’s Bar and Kitchen, with some persistent company.

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The writing exhibit at the library! and Matt joined you.
Very cool. I especially liked the portions that focused on the evolution of letters and typefaces.
Excellent photos and captions, as always! How long are you in London for?
Just five days in London – flying home on Thursday.