St. David’s and Haverfordwest

Thursday’s forecast was overcast with a chance of rain, so we decided to visit the library In Haverfordwest, then spend the rest of the day in St. David’s.

A view of the bay from the Broad Haven bus stop, with the tide coming in.

The fashion for ladies of a certain age.

The river Cleddau in Haverfordwest

Haverfordwest has a beautiful brand new public library, just opened this past December – and of which they are justifiably proud.

The town castle looms above.

We journeyed to St. David’s on the 411 (aka T11) bus (most confusing).

A little market was underway in the town square.

St. David’s is the smallest city in the UK, a status derived from the fact that it hosts a cathedral. Beginning as a monastery in the 6th century – founded by St. David, naturally – the site was selected to be invisible to passing Viking raiders, and fortified after the Norman conquest.

The fortified walls’ surviving gatehouse
Ruins of the bishop’s palace, behind the cathedral
Dewi Sant
The organ’s backside
Lunch in the refectory.

The cathedral retains much of its Norman base, but has had many renovations over the years (some necessitated by fire and earthquake). Some changes are visible in the walls.

St. David’s wonderful wooden ceilings are mostly 16th century.

The medieval floor below
Effigy of Rhys ap Gryffud, lord of Dinefwr castle.

Our little companion for a restorative cup of tea.

We returned to Broad Haven on the Puffin Shuttle.

Maladon at Druidstone, now owned by the local Labour MP as a holiday home (according to our bus driver-cum-tour guide).
Afternoon’s end in Broad Haven, the view from our bungalow.

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