
On Friday the Eiger re-emerged with a frosted top.

Our intrepid band of travelers set out on a multi-mode, seven stage journey. Feet took us down the looong hill to the 121 bus stop at Rothenegg.

The bus delivered us to the Grindelwald train station.

The ticket line was long, and we made the train with seconds to spare. At Zweilütschinen, we admired Bob (Berner Oberland-Bahnen) while waiting for the cog train to Gruitschalp. (Bob is an important guys in these parts, operating most of the cog and cable transport systems.)

We appreciated Bob’s maps, conveniently provided on seat tables and at stations.

Gruitschalp station

At Gruitschalp, we transferred to the cog train to Mürren.

From Mürren, we took a funicular to the Allmendhubel, a high plateau on the lower slope of the Schilthorn.

We strolled the alpine garden trail, enjoying the grand views of craggy peaks looming all around us.

Cow with an attitude and a teaching purpose. Pour water on the tongue and it comes out the other end – and kids can milk water from the udders.

The group decided to bag the planned 3 hour walk-in-the-clouds, and we descended the funicular back to Mürren.

We enjoyed an extraordinary lunch at Staegerstuebli.  The boletus mushroom soup had everyone drooling on their plates.  Caution: ring the gimongous cowbell hanging above our table, and you’ve bought a round for the locals.

The Swiss do love their gardens, and Mürren‘s were exceptionally fine.

Next stop:  Gimmelwald. The gang of six took the 30 minute downhill trail, while DomQ and I joined the gang of 60 in the gondola.

James Bond chased bad guys through the Schilthorn’s revolving restaurant while On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. We’ll join that chase another day.

We were just getting acquainted with one of the locals when a sonic boom bounced off the granite cliffs and nearly knocked us off our feet. This lovely mackerel tabby stayed grounded, but was not best pleased.

We visited with the progeny of some prize winning Red Holsteins.

The trekkers appeared and strolled the village in our wake.

Another one of Emerson’s relatives led us back to the gondola station for the dramatic descent to Stechelberg.

Our 3 mile ramble to Lauterbrunnen followed the path of the Lengwald river.

Julie Andrews wasn’t around, but the hills were alive with the sound of music. 

And suddenly – there was this vending machine. (I confess to scanning the area for a Tardis-style red telephone booth.). The machine dispensed a variety of locally grown products, including eggs contributed by these ladies.  The egg delivery system involved complicated felt covered lifts – the Kens can provide details to any interested parties.

A civilized country, indeed.

Too tired to cook, we shopped for a pick-up dinner at the Lauterbrunnen CoOp, took the train back to Grindelwald, bussed to the Rothenegg stop, climbed the long, LONG hill to the chalet – and collapsed with exhaustion.

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