The weather gods having decreed a rainy weekend, Dominique and I decided on a day of domesticity. We did laundry, shopped and cooked a warm, nourishing dinner while the rest of the crew trooped to Interlaken in the rain and cold.  I’ve been promised pix and tales of the Interlaken adventure, especially their visit to the Ballenberg Open Air Museum – which reportedly featured “1000 uses for the cow, plus manure.” Meanwhile, here are some glimpses of Grindelwald from our girls’ day out.

We followed the wanderweg (ramblers) path from just outside out chalet up the hill to the west.

At the top of the slope, we looped east, admiring architecture and gardens as we headed into town.

The Swiss do love their cows.

We enjoyed a delicious bowl of lemon grass soup – decorated with flower petals – at the friendly C&M Cafe.

Loaded with groceries, we caught the 126 bus back towards home.

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A lovely day in town
For having a day off you were still seeing lots of interesting things! Do they eat the cows or are they dairy only?