JLF@Boulder: Mother Festival, here we come!

JLF@Boulder logo clip

Last September, the Jaipur Literature Festival came to the US for the very first time – hosted at the Boulder Public Library!  The festival was two glorious days of interaction with some of the greatest authors in the world.

And the Festival is coming back: Mark your calendars for JLF@Boulder
September 23-25, 2016.

If you missed last year’s festival, you can view all of the fabulous author and music programs here.


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Boulder Public Library (Main) in JLF regalia

Next week, I’m off to the Mother Festival in Jaipur, India, along with several other JLF@Boulder organizers.  We’ll be joining a couple hundred thousand of our closest friends to experience literary magic in Diggi Palace.  I’ll be blogging and posting pictures in hopes of sharing the experience with folks back home in Boulder, Colorado.Screen Shot 2016-01-10 at 3.29.00 PM

There are so many fabulous authors on the program – how to choose?


Here are some I know I’ll try to catch…

Do you have favorite authors you’d like to hear about?  Let me know, and I’ll do my best to catch their sessions and share!


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