On Tuesday the clouds were nearly gone, so we aimed for a longish walk from Grosse Scheidegg to First.

Note to readers: Google’s estimates on mountain hikes assume the hikers are brawny 20-somethings – not doddering elders.

The trek began with a walk (up and down) to town, where we climbed on the bus to Grosse Scheidegg. 

The bus followed a long and winding road, with sweeping views of the valley and peaks north of Grindelwald. The road was single-track. At every blind turn, the bus rang out a little five note song letting everyone in know that they’d best get off the road – or else.

Grosse Scheidegg (we think “egg” is Swiss German for “pass”) is a long mountain pass on the lower slope of the Wetterhorn, with 360 degree views, southeast to Grindelwald and northwest to another deep valley.

These brawny souls will bike anything.
Looking northeast – the road not traveled.
Windrows in the shrubs on top of the pass.
Our destination, First, is just visible at the base of the snow-covered peak.
Note the plastic pole gates giving hikers access through electric fencing keeping the cows in their place.
The marmot is telling hikers “we love to eat grass” (not the crap you feed us)
Lunch on top of the world

Wildflowers were abundant around this little cascade. We were thrilled to come across these little marsh orchids.

The sound of music was especially grand as cowbells echoed off the surrounding peaks.

Afternoon brought clouds creeping down.

If you look very closely, you can see our exciting wildlife viewing: two chamois. We didn’t spot them, some fellow hikers did – pointing out that we had walked very close to them, oblivious to their presence above.

Arriving at First

After partaking of refreshment at the excellent First self service restaurant, we boarded the cable car for the ride back to Grindelwald – this time with views.

Zip line thrill seekers. The queue was long and the screams intense.

People were joyriding many forms of scooters and trikes down the slopes of First.

Scooters and trikes got to ride cable cars back to the top of the mountain.

Back in town, the afternoon sun revealed Grindelwald in all its splendor.

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