Männlichen to Kleine Scheidegg

Wednesday dawned clear and gloriously sunny.  The foursome headed out at 7am for a long walk from Schynigge Platte to First. (Judy shared pictures of their walk, which I’ll put in a separate post.)

Dominique had a mid-day appointment, so we hung around the chalet, then bussed up to Männlichen for the panorama walk to Kleine Scheidegg – a walk the rest of the group had squeezed in two days before on the multi-multi extravaganza.

After navigating the hills into town, we hopped on the ersatz bus at the Grindelwald bus station…

…and ride it down on to Grund.

Paragliders folding their wings

The cable car to Männlichen would normally run from Grund, but the cable car line is being replaced. So we rode the ersatz bus to the top of the mountain. Oh la la, what a ride.

I think the thrifty Swiss save money on road maintenance by making their mountain roads single track – barely wide enough for the bus. Makes for interesting encounters along the way.

The road was steep, narrow and winding with lovely views and sheer drops – right outside the bus windows.  Harrowing, indeed.

No trip is complete without cows. We really like the grey ones.
The Männlichen cable car station.

Fabulous views down to Wengen and Lauterbrunnen…

… and up the valley towards Mürren,  Gimmelwald and Stechelberg.

Interlaken is in the distance.

The panorama trail.

Sorry, Google. Our walk was a lovely 2 hour dawdle.
Sometimes, one can’t take the trail directions too literally.

We just missed a train, so spent a pleasant half hour kibitzing with the locals at the Kleine Scheidegg station.

The train down was crowded and noisy, filled with tourists and workers returning to Grund from the Jungfroujoch.

We met the rest of the crew for dinner at C and M, then window shopped our way back home.

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2 thoughts on “Männlichen to Kleine Scheidegg”

  1. So, UK trip1000 bluebell photos…this one cows! Haha 🙂 Are some of the slopes used as ski runs in the winter? With all those gondolas, got me thinking about winter sports.


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